Art Again
I am motivated to 'art' again. It has been years...since I did a good run of arty stuff. has been an issue because of life come and go...grandkids 'find' things that then go missing...
Strategy: Put on a whiney voice. Say how I NEEED a studio to do art things and be a Princess in.
Extol all the virtues..
A place where I can leave things out if I haven't finished...sewing machine, paints and other miscellaneous stationery and arty crafty bits and bobs so there's not a mess in the house and the table would be clear and things would be where I'd find them and not be missing and lockable and I could go out there when the rugby is on...
People round here are worried I won't want to come back into the house....
Cost: Well, I don't mind waiting at rush. You make good things B.
I'll just gather some pics. For inspiration, mind. Doesn't have to look like pics though...just an idea...
Another's getting cold. I don't do cold well. The room out by the porch (grandkids/guest room) might do over the Winter. Just for now?
Discussion about shelving. There are some storage bins out the shed. How about a grid/cubby hole type system where the bins can be used as drawers? Then they can come out easy in case we need the room? Or want the room as a bedroom again? Oh yes! Great idea... just for now.
So the sorting will begin. All the art and craft gear and stationery and computer bits need homes - so I can find things. There are miscellaneous, mysterious boxes of stuff long since lost in the wilds of the garage..
Some kind of law and order will come to be....
I have this hope/vision of being able to swan off somewhere and create at whim...
Yes! Looking forward to it xxx...
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