MinaMaries - 1st Goal Achieved

So far....

Since the last time I wrote about this stuff

Collaboration email  07/04/2018 - Emailed Marie and asked should we do something together so we wouldn't be lonely (haha)

Made this blog

First post 13/04/2018 (six days from collaboration email)

Made FaceBook page

Added blog link to profiles at other places

11 days later from first post.......

24/04/2018 We are Google indexed...

We are Adsense approved.....

Checked Adsense...we are earning....I think...
Odd, because general thought is you should have 50 posts and have had your blog 6 months.
There are a lot of variables though.

Made our first bit of chump change! Five whole cents....that's two and a half cents each for me and Marie... I wonder if it is US, Oz or NZ money....hang on ....in NZ we don't even have five cent bits...not physically...they're extinct....

....and it only took 3 weeks!...

All jesting aside - I was hoping we would start earning before 6 months from when we started...so I'm pleased.

I will not be divulging any more details of our earnings from now on though .... lol


"So the experiment starts off with trying to make a little chump change with the least possible outlay"
That sentence from the first ever post on this blog.


So the first wee experiment is a success.
We have not spent a cent!
We have chump change!
What is surprising (and lovely) is the quickness of Adsense approval.


  1. Good work Mina - congratulations on such a fine effort, and good luck with that extra change!

    You are indeed a clever little Nan, and a very friendly, helpful one at that!

  2. How very kind Finy! Thank you!


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