Enjoying Spring

Wisteria                                 Image:Marie Vonow
About nine months ago we moved into this house. It was summer and since then I have experienced autumn and winter here. Now it is spring and I am really enjoying the weather and the effect it is having on the garden! What a delight to see plants coming into bloom and watch the birds in the garden.

Out the front there are several mature wisterias and they are so pretty at the moment. They are laden with heavily perfumed flowers and lots of green leaves. Several species of birds including New Holland Honey Eaters are enjoying the wisterias too.

In the back yard there are various bulbs. I planted some of them and there are some which were planted by previous owners. It's exciting to see what type of flowers appear.

So far freesias, sparaxis, ranunculus,  anenomes, bluebells, grape hyacinths and spring starflowers have come into bloom.

There are periwinkles, cosmos, lavender, deities, coleus, lilies, bird of paradise, jasmine, impatiens, and succulents flowering. The grapefruit, orange and ornamental quince trees are flowering and several bushes that I don't know the name of are also adding joy to my backyard with their flowers.

                     Impatiens in hanging basket                                   Image:Marie Vonow
Yesterday I spotted a young crested pigeon flapping about near a pine tree as it worked out how to fly. What a delight! Other young birds are enjoying my garden too.

 We love home grown tomatoes so I have planted cherry and grosse lisse varieties. I bought these as seedlings from a nearby nursery and enjoyed the walk there and back, taking advantage of beautiful weather.

There is a great selection of seedlings available at this time of the year      Image:Marie Vonow

I have also been planting seeds including sunflower, calendula, nasturtium, marigolds, petite marigolds, Californian poppies and phlox. They should provide a lovely display of flowers in a couple of months time.

Even tasks such as washing curtains and bed linen is pleasant now that the weather is warmer. In winter it can be difficult to get things completely dry.

So, you can tell I am enjoying spring!


  1. It looks like your new home is a truly delightful place to me Marie!

  2. I am enjoying living here a great deal!


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